Journey to the Light

Close your eyes and walk with me.  Be not afraid to enter the darkness.  Be still in the silence and embrace the void of an empty abyss.  Feel the saturation of its stoic nature.  Breathe as you relax to loosen the grasp of your grip of the darkness as you prepare to walk away from it.  Breathe as you empty yourself into the vast abyss of this darkness.  Breathe as you let go, as you drift, and fade into the deep and dark slumber that awaits you. 

Open your eyes from within and look out into the darkness that continues to surround you.  Feel its heavy saturation as it swallows you up into its endless black hole of time and space.  Fearlessly, face your fears, and walk on through the darkness.  Go forth and forward, proceed unto the journey. 

So cold, it feels like the kiss of death, so empty, like the embrace of a sullen void. Remember the nothingness as you enter this journey where you will forget your name, or reject your face, and set aside all things that claim you to their own labels or state of physical boundaries.  Walk now in the land of the undead. 

Hear the screams in the night, and remember fear and panic, in the pounding pounce of paranoia.  Feeling lost and detached and invalid.  Oh lost soul, now soul searching, were art thou, lost in the darkness, for the hells have claimed you, and there is no way out, but to run back home to your name and your face and everything that you know that is of the world that you now dare to leave behind.  Know, all that you own, and all that you knew, now means nothing. Remember?  or have you forgotten?

See the nothingness around you, blind and visionless in a desolate and barren desert. Look around you and see the truth of where you live, where you have lived and accepted as your own.  This state of mind is all that you have accepted as your truth.  Oh so cold and dark and void.  Lost soul, where are you now? 

Forget this place you've known to call home, run now.  Run away!  Forsake the death!  Leave it all behind.  Seek more.  Cry and beg for salvation.  Repent that you may be saved from it.  Enter into purgatory that you may be redeemed of your cling to the darkness.  Strip yourself of the weighted burdens that have plagued the generations of your flesh.  Renounce the sin of seeking to satisfy your flesh.  Seek humility in the emptiness that will help you to find the light that will save you.  Satisfy your soul.  It is the light that will redeem you now.  It is your only hope.  Seek now and you shall find.  Knock and the door will be opened for you.  I am the way and the truth and the life.  I am the light of Christ and I live within you.  Come to me, look within and find me there, and claim me as your own.  Come now, while time tells time.

Come with me. Stand Still. Here. Listen. In the silence of the darkness, listen. It is the answer to your prayers. The music within the chaotic abyss is available only to those who dare to stand still in the silence and listen. The sound of light is the sight of life and the guiding guardian to show the way home.

Now dance with me. Let the music guide you. Feel the rhythm and fall captive to it. Submissively give yourself to the music of the night and let it move you to freedom.

Breathe more. Dance with me.  Obedience to this music is the rhythm that will lead you home.  It is the call to drift in the wind.  Awaken now, gently open your eyes.  The first sight of light is off in the distance.  It is a glimmer of hope and a ray that sparkles.  It calls your name.  It is a name that you have never known before.  Now that you have arrived, you know.