Dream of Birth

I dream of the new life that death brings. It is my greatest fantasy of sensual bliss. The place where everything is new and pure. Every experience is captured by innocence, and every moment is free and miraculous. I dream of death, and then birth. I dream of reincarnation. I want to be born again, but, this time, I want to find myself in His arms, wrapped up in nothing but light and love, adorned in nothing, but darkness. I fantasize about shameless nakedness. I want to be wholesome, fruitful, blissful. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to die, in his arms. I want to be reborn, by his side. This world has no place for me. I want to leave. I want to go away... with him.

I have a dream that I died. There is total darkness. Nothing but darkness. I see nothing. I feel nothing. I am no thing. There is no sound, no movement, no nothing. I have no need, no desires, no longing. I am empty, but content. I do not know that I am dead. I am absolutely at peace. Wrapped in darkness, I am cold, yet, I do not tremble; alone, yet, I know not loneliness. I am not happy, yet, I am not sad. I do not know emotions. I do not know anything, for there is nothing to know except the darkness. The beautiful darkness that keeps me safe and sound. I am dead, but I do not know that I am dead. To me, this is life, and I am content.

I have a dream that I am born. I open my eyes to see the lights flashing before me. Lights of many colors, like the rainbow. The lights are so beautiful. I want to go there to see more of them. I hear the sounds like running water; tranquil, peaceful sounds. I want to listen to more of those sounds, and so I follow the calming vibrations. I am not afraid to go to the place of light and sound. In the world that I come from, there is no fear; there is nothing to fear, for, in the darkness, there is nothing. I feel, now, excitement. Adrenaline races throughout my body and my heart beat pounds that my blood surges to my head. I feel every pulsating movement within me, and around me. I like this feeling. Finally, there is no more darkness. The light embraces me. I am one with the place of running waters. I can smell the air, like the aroma of life. I can taste the flavor of my entire being. I can feel, everything, alive.