The Golden Globe ii

The Golden Globe is a ball of light that is withholding an insurmountable power and energy; a gift of infinite truth, a compass, a globe, an effervescent glowing sphere that radiates light unto the whole world, is the inheritance of Prima, as she comes of age. It bestows upon her the power to fly, to travel through space and time, to be Omniscient, and to change the material world. It is the gift of wings, halo, sphere, and scepter.

The Golden Globe is the true inheritance of The Prima Light Alive. She who possesses it owns the right to the claim of the kingdom of her Father, Alleigh Lous Ijah. Ali Jem Aria now becomes monarch of the light. As she accepts her heritage, she enters into the kingdom, and must learn the new way. Enrolled within the school of the new order, she is introduced to the Academy whereby she must learn many new skills, and pass many tests. For this purpose, she goes away and leaves the whole world in which she once knew as home behind, in order to learn to master the darkness with her power of light. Here, she learns to fly.