Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

-Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Learning to master the darkness is nothing more than the ability to control the flesh.  We must discover within ourselves the light as the source of all creation and realize that this living incarnation of power allows us to be greater than the limitations of our flesh may dictate.  My journey began within my dreams, and I believed in them, so much so that they became the driving force which inspired me to become them.  The living light is the soulful source of all life and energy and power, and it lives within my heart.  This source of universal truth that I claim as my own is what I have come to know as god.  I serve the light, and because I recognize that this light lives not only within my self, but in each living entity of this living universe, I serve the universe and all that dwells within.  I am called to show you the way that I have discovered, if only I can find the words to describe this new world.  I am the light.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

In The Ohm

It is a Glowing Globe.  Grand in scheme, its depth and width seems to be infinite.  Upon arrival, its bright white light is nearly blinding.  Intimidating of its awesome radiance, yet charming, and overwhelmingly so, alluring.  Immediately, this place feels like home.


I have a vision of clarity.  the body is clouded and opaque.  The water washes away the cloud, part by part, and you can begin to see the light behind the cloud.  It is beautiful, crystal clear, radiant, so pure that the light of the horizon shines though and its essence is prismatic like a perfectly cut diamond.  The body glows in its ultimate purity.

The golden globe is an effervescent radiance.  Orange bouncing ball of light saturates me with a peaceful goodness. She pounces jovially, an infinite sense of freedom is her whimsical nature. The emancipated warmth of untainted eyes is her essence; a compelling curiosity and dynamic openness to the world, she carries with her the readiness to take the chance of a lifetime.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I have a dream that I am walking along the path one night accompanied by a friend.  As I arrive to my destination, I say goodbye to my escort and enter into the great white house with tall ceilings and shiny mirrored floors of the grand foyer.  I am greeted by a servant hostess who presents me with a white box.  It is a gift, for on this day I celebrate my birth.  The square package fit in my hands as I proudly accepted.  Excitement abounded me.  Attached to the present was a note that read, "I was in my garden harvesting these in abundance and wanted to share with you."  It was from my Father.  I opened the box to find a golden glowing globe, an orange that I held in the palm of my hands.  I clenched on to the ball and treasured it.  It was the coming of age inheritance that my Father had promised me for my thirteenth birthday.

I did not really know how to respond to the goodness of this orange.  I didn't quite understand what was so important about it.  But it was surely a beauty, and I loved it ever so much.  I placed it atop the highest point on the shelf casing in my dormitory, and gazed in awe of it day after day.  Sometimes, I would hold it and caress it, and smell the fragrance of it's satisfying aroma.  I imagined the possibilities of what I should do with this gift.  Why did my father give me such a token?  What is one to do with an orange?  I decided then that I would become it, and it would forever live inside of me, and with me, that we should never part.  I ate the orange.  I decided, that of this orange that I have become, I should harness the power of its good seeds.  I will plant the seeds in the earth and breed it to multiplicity in abundance, so that it should bear good fruit.  I would follow in the path of my father and become a harvester of oranges!

The orange represented the gift that awaited me at the end of my transformational journey through the darkness.  The enlightenment.  What do I do with this enlightenment?  I multiply!  I plant the seeds, grow the deeply rooted tree within the Earth's richest soil and have my orange tree become a giant extending its evergreen branches out far and wide, the tallest tree ever known.  The tree of life bears the fruit of the living water and I shall harvest this abundance for all of the children of the world to share with me.  Soon, we dwell within a forest of orange trees of life giving fruit.

The dream about the orange was a test of heart.  I was given a gift of something.  It was not merely about the subject of the gift.  It was a question of what I would do with such a gift.  Would I waste it and throw it away?  Would I neglect it and have it rot?  Lose it or give it away carelessly?  Would I eat it and then forget about it?  Would I reject it, or show a lack of appreciation for it?  Nay, one like me would become obsessed about it, merge in love with the essence of this being.  In an attempt to try to understand this orange I would make myself ultimately sensitive to all dimensions of it.  Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sound.  I would engage myself within this boundless gift and become one with it.  I would fall in love with it, and dwell with it, and obsessively, and compulsively dream about that orange.

The Orange is the fruit by which the seeds were given that should be planted to grow the depthual roots of the new way in this tree of life and light and love, known as the story of Prima Light Alive.  Within my heart, I accepted it, and it became me.  The Orange lives in me and with me and through me.  I am the Orange.  The Orange is representative of hope and pure truth.  It is the living water, of the golden glowing vessel.  It is the gift of new life.  Prima Light Alive is the tree of life that has come forth from the gift of the Orange of light, that it should bear good fruit of love in abundance.  The Orange is the vision; the gift.  The Prima Light Alive is the emancipation of a waking dream.  The Tree of Life Lives.

The Future

I breathe.  Deeply, I inhale into the capacity of my lungs a captivity of essential freedom that escapes me only for moments at a time as I release upon the call of obedience to relax my grip and withhold the fond embrace of a vital goodness that satisfies the urge of my eternal heart.  Air.  I consume the pure and ideal mimic of a revealed source of cosmic reality that is my own necessity, as I crave nothing more than to become the core restoration.  Ambient and transcendentally, there is a beautiful and wonderful bewildered bewitchment, spellbound by the intensely enthralling value of such a dynamic.  Possibly, the gift that you have given me is the infinite source upon which all declare as quested.  Compassionate constitutions.  Myriads are infallible and destitute to its forcefield.  Hello?  It is pure like air.  Air becomes the water.  Water beholds the fruit.  Pure, it is the free root.  Tree.  Life.  Light.  A dignity only known in dreams of what a perfect world would be in formula, in practice.  In pretense, suppose it were possible that on this new day, one should come from among your masses and declare to be the prototype of the new way.?  Enlighten me.

Inspiration.  Capture the magic in a framework of ingenuity.  Genius sentiments of the creative process become the expression of gratitude toward the almighty restoration of a dwindling fate.  Saturate with pure goodness that everything else become inferior.  Chaos and noise can be powerfully creative tools which emboss bothering prognosis in chanelling mass medium format, distinguished dilution of familiar excitement, fluid movement of energy, spellbinding by the radiance of a shared tranquility.  Perhaps the solution to madness is madness.

Energy inspires.  Infused with bliss it becomes a shared tradition of sound, transformed.

Because change must first be inspired.  I wonder what it takes to truly inspire the hearts of those to evolve progressively.  Positively, a work in progress, a living example.  A point of reference.  Believing that it is possible.

What I propose is difficult to attain.  It is to single handedly affect the process of the worlds evolution by inspiring its state of mind to accept an absolute alternative.  To live in reverse order.

I am inspired by the contents of my heart.  When I dream, where do I wonder?  The drift is more than a mere sensation of sensory infatuations with ideals and preconceived notions of self in lieu of and despite the illusionary reality.  In my dreams I've imagined nothing.  Moreso, I merely become the free yeilding relativity.  Perceptions are altered only when I choose to ignore my living dream.  I accept the dream.  I become a dancer to my wonderful visual and vibrational flow.

I'm dreaming and its a living dream.  I cannot and will not wake up.  I'll tell you about this dream, and the stories that it tells.  Today, I become the embodiment of I.  So, I must dance, for it is the only way.

I've seen the future.  Filled with vibrant promises of the specturm of the revolutionary sphere.  Rainbow.  Colors triumphantly and victoriously stand to represent the ration of their own.  Golden pots are awaiting some one to claim the discovery of that which exists, co-existing with the phases of an ultimate time.  Saturated with the dilution of a mysterious something that needs only to be infused once more with the reminder that magic exists and lives within the hearts and minds and souls of each of our own.

The Promised Land awaits.  Hope.  Promises of life.  The freedom to fly and soar.  To inspire goodness and greatness.  I am called to remember the forgotten.  In this place, we know to fly, for we have wings.  We are creatures of pure, pulling magnetic static energy of emerged balance and peace and magic.


I have seen the dark tunnel by which they say leads the soul to cross over and the body to death.  Except, it is not a dark tunnel, it is a great abyss that is endless as it extends out beyond the measures of time and space.  Ahead, all that is seen is the light; the driving force that compells and inspires, calling and reaching out.  The fixation becomes about the light, to touch it, capture it, feel it, and be near it.  It is more than any other to answer the call of the light.  You know then that you live only to serve the purpose of this light, then, to take on the journey, and to answer the call, to be joined with it.  You then forsake the darkness as you realise that there is nothing in comparison.  The closer to the light, the further from the darkness, and awareness heightens to a new level of illumination.  The enlightenment begins as you become more free from the darkness. 

Then comes the realization of what the darkness is.  it is the good incubation that has allowed for the materialization of the ideals of the awe inspiring light to express itself.  It gives the light a home and a place and a purpose, and allows creations of miracles and the emancipation of dreams to come forth into the world. 

I look around to study the light and to pay closer attention to what it is in relationship with the darkness.  The darkness merges seamlessly with the light and becomes its counterpart.  The darkness is not null and void, but rather, is filled with the goodness of possibilities.  pure potential. It is infused with a rich collaboration of promise.  The darkness and the light together become the rainbow.  The hues of colors become entangled with a prismatic radiance that dance together with the pulsating rhythm that is nearly as hypnotic and captivating as the source of light itself.

I reach out, as finally I am near enough to touch the primary source of light.  I am then and now completely connected with the inspiration of all life.  I feel the absolute power within me.  It is the infusion to total awareness.  I am a child of the source of light, and this life force gave me to the darkness, so that I can be incubated in the serenity of a nuturing earth, that I can be the light in the darkness, and share these dreams with the whole world. 

We are all children of the light, given to the darkness as gifts, that of the darkness, we might become the manifestation of the power of light and of life.  We are the Universe, the voice of one power.  The light is so beautiful and perfect, that to touch it and be completely merged with its infinite essence is the most wonderful state of being.  it is heaven and pure goodness.  To remain in this place of uncompromised light would mean to leave my physical state behind, and to forget about my promise of life to the darkness.  It would mean to give up on the darkness, and to forsake my promise of light to the world.  I would have had to renounce my heritage and forsake my mission to share the fulfillment of my light with the world.  The Great Source of Light that I submit to commanded me to surrender in humility to the call of the darkness and to return to the physical world that I may fulfill my good works in one with the promises of the word, and for the world. 

I didn't want to come back.  The darkness has become so turmoiled and disturbed and intimidating that I had become terrified of it.  I wanted to stay home, there, in the origin of heaven, where I would be safe and warm in the light for all of eternity.  If only I could escape and not have to face the ugly truth of an exploited reality.  But,  I could not run away.  It was not yet my time to be completely separated from my physical self.  As I would come to learn, the physical self is important, because it allows the light to shine through, and to become the expressed relevance of the experience as one with the ultimate duality.

I have been called to face the darkness as my counterpart, and to remember always that the eternal light reigns within me.  If only I could conquer the darkness by making peace with it, then there would be nothing to fear.  I can no longer run and hide.  I can no longer refuse to accept my calling to serve the world as the messenger of light.  But just as the universe is the ultimate union of light and darkness in manifestation of an ideal reality, thus am I, and am nothing without this vessel of darkness that serves to carry me, this temple that houses my gift of light, this earth that nurtures and is inspired by my great and ultimate light; because the light lives within, there is no need to fear the darkness. 

Of the Illumination I am Emancipated in the Light.


I saw a pure light.  I heard a stark silence.  The silence spoke thought the movement of formless rhythms.  Lights could be seen dancing in prismatic frictions of peaceful notions.  A communion of souls searching for one.  Souls searching for everything that could be found within the network of light.  The connection of energy like a scope of entirety.  The dancing lights held hands all together.  Individual rays all in synchronised synthesis, painting a message in volumes of patterned wavelengths. 

A friction of energy, feeding and being fed.  A vital source of relativity, pushing and pulling, attracting and repelling, was the counteraction that caused the domino effect to rain bows of bouncing light off mirrored walls in a prismatic labyrinth.  A maze, Amazing, A muse, Amusing, the cycle of life and death.  Energy being produced and processed and projected and provided for the relase into the other realm, just as the energy being programmed was coming forth from the other realm.  The task to let go and hold on all at once as one.  The motion was joy and pain all together as one at once.  Recognising the common bond of equality and family and unity and peace. 

It was the fullness of grace in the world of light, coloured of the rainbow.  it was the memory of life in the truth of the eternal source of energy.  The immortal invincible eternal light and life and love is pure energy and the goodness of a vital truth.  Near the great source of White Light, the soul prism was kept safe and warm and protected in the rejuvenation of the infallible strength.  Without physical ears to hear, the music of the white light could be felt, and it was the composition of the order of ALL.  Without the need to breathe, there was the fluidity of air that was constant and consistently flowing and floating and flowering with rhythmic value.

In the network of divine energy, where there is no physical premise, the connection to the truth is boundless, without walls or boundaries.  Interconnected and entangled in the web of hope, the purpose of the source of light and the scope of prism is the promise of continuation.  It is the evolution and the revolution of time and space, governed by the force of light that supplies the darkness with hope.  The light awaits the time for it to implant its essence into the darkness.  I was its essence, and I knew when it was my time to go.  The temporary basis, my duty as a child of the light was to be the light of the world and to live within the darkness.  We all know.  This is the purpose of the light, and we are called to service in the will of the Source that exists to serve the Body, in love. 

We hold hands as we dance to the music of the light, as bows of colours, we soar free and beautifully, perfectly so, untainted and in pure goodness.  We've all seen the darkness before, as we come and go in this circle of life.  We hold hands and never let go, even in the darkness, they never let go of my hands.  There I was, being implanted in this darkness that seemed to be so far from home where all of my brothers and sisters lived in freedom of the pure light of life.  I had been born into the world, and, although the world embraced me, I begged them never to let go.  I refused to open my eyes, I refused to pull away.  I never let go of the truth.  I am not of this world, but I am in this world.

Hold on to the connection of light and pure energy, for with it your eyes can be opened to see and to know all things.  In physical form, the light shines through to illumine the darkness of the mind, and you are aware.  I am aware of the lights of the angels in heaven, and the light of the source that is God.  I am aware of this presence within me, and in all things, I know that I am not alone, but connected to all things, and to something greater than the physical capacity of the limitations of this world.  And through this awareness, I recognise the presence of my angels of light who hold hands with me, when I look out into this world of darkness.  I recognise them, but they dont recognise me... they physical body that carries them is blinded by the darkness that they live within, and they have forgotten,  They let go and pulled away.  But we never let go.  We never stop holding their hands.  They just forgot who they are and where they come from.  The darkness of their birth engulfed and swallowed them up, and they lost sight of the truth of their own perfect light.

Your soul speaks to me and I am aware of the voice that lives within you, and sometimes I wonder if you, too, are aware of the connection of our unity, or is it just me, and, do I continue to be alone in this 'god-forsaken' world.  I am aware, and everything that ever existed is open to me and I can see with my eyes, and through my dreams, and visions, and hear with my ears, in communion with you, and the body of Christ.  I cant be removed from it.  I cant pretend that I dont know, because I do.  But I keep this secret with me, and never speak a word of it, because they who do not know will not understand or accept this truth, as I've feared.  In this cosmic balance of eternal energy and shared information of everything that is beyond common knowledge, I have seen the truth of all time.

The Path

Close your eyes and walk with me.  Be not afraid to enter the darkness.  Be still in the silence and embrace the void of an empty abyss.  Feel the saturation of its stoic nature.  Breathe as you relax to loosen the grasp of your grip of the darkness as you prepare to walk away from it.  Breathe as you empty yourself into the vast abyss of this darkness.  breathe as you let go, as your drift, and fade into the deep and dark slumber that awaits you. 

Open your eyes from within and look out into the darkness that continues to surround you.  Feel its heavy saturation as it sallows you up into its endless black hole of time and space.  Fearlessly, face your fears, and walk on through the darkness.  Go forth and forward, proceed unto the journey. 

So cold, it feels like the kiss of death, so empty, like the embrace of a sullen void. Remember the nothingness as you enter this journey where you will forget you name, or reject your face, and set aside all things that claim you to their own labels or state of physical boundaries.  Walk now in the land of the undead. 

Hear the screams in the night, and remember fear and panic, in the pounding pounce of paranoia.  Feeling lost and detached and invalid.  Oh lost soul, now soul searching, were art thou, lost in the darkness, for the hells have claimed you, and there is no way out, but to run back home to your name and your face and everything that you know that is of the world that you now dare to leave behind.  Know, all that you own, and all that you knew, now means nothing. Remember?  or have you forgotten?

See the nothingness around you, blind and visionless in a desolate and barren desert. Look around you and see the truth of where you live, where you have lived and accepted as your own.  This state of mind is all that you have accepted as your truth.  Oh so cold and dark and void.  Lost soul, where are you now? 

Forget this place you've known to call home, run now.  Run away!  Forsake the death!  Leave it all behind.  Seek more.  Cry and beg for salvation.  Repent that you may be saved from it.  Enter into purgatory that you may be redeemed of your cling to the darkness.  Strip yourself of the weighted burdens that have plagued the generations of your flesh.  Renounce the sin of seeking to satisfy your flesh.  Seek humility in the emptiness that will help you to find the light that will save you.  It is the light that will redeem you now.  It is your only hope.  Seek now and you shall find.  Knock and the door will be opened for you.  I am the way and the truth and the life.  I am the light of Christ and I live with you.  Come to me, look within and find me there, and claim me as your own.  Come now, while time tells time.

Come with me. Stand Still. Here. Listen. In the silence of the darkness, listen. It is the answer to your prayers. The music within the chaotic abyss is available only to those who dare to stand still in the silence and listen. The sound of of light is the sound of liufe and the guiding guardian to shaow the way home.

Now dance with me. Let the music guide you. Feel the rhythm and fall captive to it. Submissively give yourself to the music of the night and let it move you to freedom.

Breathe more. Dance with me.  Obedience to this music is the rhythm that will lead you home.  It is the call to drift in the wind.  Awaken now, gently open your eyes.  The first sight of light is off in the distance, it is a glimmer of hope and a ray that sparkles.  It calls your name.  It is a name that you have never known before.  Now that you have arrived, you know.


Closer.  The light appears before me and it seems to now approach me, as I stood frozen in awe of its beauty.  The light swallowed me up in the darkness and everything around me was engulfed by an bright celestial body of illumination.  The warmth embraced me and called me to it.  I accepted it submissively.  It was the light that sounded the music to show me the way.  The light invigorated my essence and penetrated my core.  I felt at peace and at one with the universal element of truth.  The fullness of light and life was a sensation that satisfied me.  Fullfilled, I found rest, yet, I was awake.  Eyes opened I could see the light as it became me.  I could see myself as I merged as one with the light. 

A prismatic radiace glowing, as I unveiled the element of light, I could see more clearly, that the light had not swallowed up the darkness; rather, it had merged with it.  It had not conquered the darkness, but made peace with it.  It had not destroyed the darkness, but had created something more beautiful than either of them could know to become without the graceful blend of harmony in sync with both worlds.  Together, the light and the darkness evolved as one spectrum of light in the darkness and painted collages in vibrant hues of the rainbow.  Born of this journey was the rainbow, as I recognised the composite of energy, the dancing globes of mystery, were an orchestrated masterpeice.  The musical symphony was the universal truth.

One body of light spread out as vast and far and wide as the eye could see.  The horizon was painted in the blend of an emerged revelation of gemtones, glistening.  Golden Topaz, Green Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Violet Amethyst, Red Ruby, Pink and Orange; the spectrum of the prism of a diamond cut to reveal the secrets of the entire universe as the light shone though its clarity.  And of the light there was music, and of the music there was dancing.

It was the verse of the uni.  The universe.  It is the voice of the ONE. 

I listened to its resounding harmony, the chorus of the choir of angels.  In this place I am in heaven, where all things live as one in the resolution of a revolving perfect harmony of fluid evolution through the stillness of dances through time and space. 

And through the revolution of this stillness of time, I am the evolution, I am time.  The music lives within me as I stand at the heart of the specturm of light, as I stand as one with the source of that light, as it conducts the choir within the elements of light in fluid motion.  There I am, painting the vibration, in rhythmic heartbeats of music.  I live as the music.  I live as the sound of light, at the core of the entire universal spectrum, I reign as truth.

The revolving myriad of rainbow hues in the light are a most beautiful sight.  Each colour is a revelational dynamic that harnesses an energy of the universe.  As it all comes together as one, the world seems perfect, in balance and unity and harmony. 

It is to be fruitful and multiply in this way.  To be the contagiously colourful light of the world.



There is darkness, complete stillness, nothing.  The dark and empty void is nothing.  There is a flash of light.  There is a tremble of thunder.  In the darkness the light can be seen off in a distance. 

She yawns, she stretches, she breathes. 

The voice says to focus on the light.  Trust and obey.

The illumination from afar is alluring.  I cannot resist the yearning to journey toward.  i long to be near it.  I cannot draw my eyes away.  It is hypnotic and pulls my soul.  Unlike the tug of war, I submit completely.


The journey toward the glowing ball of radiance is a dance.  the thunder is the rhythm of a heartbeat.  the breathing like the stream of violin chords.  My footsteps pace to the sound of music.  In submission to the synchronicity of perfect harmony, I dance the twirling movements.  Pirouettes; the journey is a circular riveting pattern.  I go around and each time I am drawn in closer.  The closer I get the stronger the music, the brighter the light, the more intense the dance. 

Through the spiral tunnel I dance.  The magnetic force of the currents embrace me.  I am caught in the magical whirlpool of the whimsical disillusionment caught between the compelling forcefeild bound worlds of light and darkness. 


I have arrived to the destination.  it is the heart and birthplace of all dimensions.  The source of pure radiant light is the absolute illumination of all life.  The energy is absolute.  in its presence I feel emersed in radio activity.  I am invincibly immortal.  I grasp a hold of the magic golden ball that is hoisted in the unbounded air above me, and I breathe the breath of a dragon.  Fire and light.  The energy is overwhelming to the darkness.  Darkness fades and is taken over by the radiance of pure light.  The ball merges with my physical form.  The essence of this union is an unlimited strength.  The passionate dance.  Fired up.


I dream of the new life that death brings. It is my greatest fantasy of sensual bliss. The place where everything is new and pure. Every experience is captured by innocence, and every moment is free and miraculous. I dream of death, and then birth. I dream of reincarnation. I want to be born again, but, this time, I want to find myself in His arms, wrapped up in nothing but light and love, adorned in nothing, but darkness. I fantasize about shameless nakedness. I want to be wholesome, fruitful, blissful. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to die, in his arms. I want to be reborn, by his side. This world has no place for me. I want to leave. I want to go away... with him.

I have a dream that I died. There is total darkness. Nothing but darkness. I see nothing. I feel nothing. I am no thing. There is no sound, no movement, no nothing. I have no need, no desires, no longing. I am empty, but content. I do knot know that I am dead. I am absolutely at peace. Wrapped in darkness, I am cold, yet, I do not tremble; alone, yet, I know not loneliness. I am not happy, yet, I am not sad. I do not know emotions. I do not know anything, for there is nothing to know except the darkness. The beautiful darkness that keeps me safe and sound. I am dead, but I do not know that I am dead. To me, this is life, and I am content.

I have a dream that I am born. I open my eyes to see the lights flashing before me. Lights of many colors, like the rainbow. The lights are so beautiful. I want to go there to see more of them. I hear the sounds like running water, tranquil, peaceful sounds. I want to listen to more of those sounds, and so I follow the calming vibrations. I am not afraid to go to the place of light and sound. In the world that I come from, there is no fear; there is nothing to fear, for, in the darkness, there is nothing. I feel, now, excitement. Adrenaline races throughout my body and my heart beat pounds that my blood surges to my head. I feel every pulsating movement within me, and around me. I like this feeling. Finally, there is no more darkness. The light embraces me. I am one with the place of running waters. I can smell the air, like the aroma of life. I can taste the flavor of my entire being. I can feel, everything, alive.

Free Bird

A word of encouragement for you as your journey on your way: Please know that the power is in your hands. The choices are yours to be made, and, destiny is yours to create. All bounds have been lifted, and, the world is at your feet. Choose wisely. Remember that your greatest enemy is lack of purpose. Always remain engulfed in action. Activity shall save you from idol hands seeking delinquency. Stay away from temptations of carnal nature. Allow not sin to destroy you. Lust, gluttony, sloth, avarice, greed, envy, anger, leave behind. Remember love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Remembr wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

Follow the rhythm of your pulse. Allow your heart beat and the rate of your breath to illustrate your natural rhythm. Dance to the music that you create. Believe that whatever you choose, you can and will attain. Believe that the gain is already your own. Claim it, and believe your self to be worthy of that which you have claimed. Truth is relative to the individual and the experiences of that individual. If you believe, it becomes your truth. Be careful of what you choose to believe, because it becomes you. Be not hasty to give up control of your own destiny. Hold on to your future and do not let go. Never settle for less than you believe to be true. Remain sturdy and never be swayed. Bend, but never break.

Fight always for your right to knowledge. Seek always understanding. Crave always wisdom. These things grant access to a great freedom. Here, we are able to make well informed decisions. We become empowered. Be not afraid to come forth unto this journey. Be not afraid to forsake everything. Leave it all behind and never look back to remember it as a part of you. If it were your truth, you would have never been able to let go. What is yours will always belong to you. Stand naked and face the truth. See your own reflection, your own shadows. Your own light, and, your own darkness will be staring back at you. Learn who you are beyond the everythingness. Mind, body, and soul, create the self. Question everything. In faith, doubt everything. Seek and know that you shall find. Knock and believe that doors will open.

I have been consecrated as an offering to my Lord All. May I always be considered worthy to serve you as the chosen one to carry out this, your will. May I always lead them only to the truth of your way. May I remain steadfast and faithfully yours. In love, I offer All that I am. I have been blessed beyond that which I am able to conceive. I believe in that which I have not yet been shown to see. But, I feel its presence, and, I know that it is here. The incarnate dwells within this, my temple, and I shall always provide a haven in my heart, my soul, my body, and my mind, for this beautiful revelation of truth. I am blessed. I have been graced with this gift that I am only just beginning to know in understanding. This gift that has been given to me, has been entrusted to me, and I alone. I am responsible for sharing it with the entire world.

My spirit rejoices in song and dance, for, this is the day that the Lord has made. I have found bliss in this fountain. The water of life overflows and floods my heart with joy. I want to share it with you. I want to show you this place I know. Come to me, because, I cannot leave this place to go to you. Once I am settled here, this shall be my eternal resting place. You must come to me. Listen. Hear my voice. Feel my energy transpose you. Be moved and come to me. Close your eyes and follow the light within. Dream, because in your dreams, there I am.

In the stillness of the silence, and the deep darkness of the abyss, in the nothingness, where there is no blinding light to distract you from the truth; there, you will find the way. The path that leads to you also leads to I. Look within and there you will find everything that is worth believing. Beautiful child, I love you. You are my angel; you are the beacon of hope. The lost generation of Gods may be restored only by your own hands. Your will be done to redeem lost souls. There is no more blockage. Your path is cleared. Your way is prepared.

Now, I must find rest. Tomorrow at sunrise, the new era begins, and, I must be ready for the time. My body now aches and craves rest. I am so tired. Yesterdays journey has left me with heavy eyes and aching muscles. I want to heal from the inside out. I want to transform, shedding this old skin. Slumber, I await you. May I find rest in your bosom tonight. Sweet dreams are my sanctuary. There, I am home. There, I am at peace. In the realm of beauty, there is only truth. No illusions or fragmented realities dwell in harmony. Music is the essence of mystery. Magic unravels during the hours of twilight.

Tonight, I find rest, peacefully. I close my eyes, and I breathe. Nothingness consumes me, and I fall deeper into sleep. I create a trance within myself. I won’t wake up. I refuse to arise, for the time has not yet come. I drift far and wide, floating aimlessly in the great abyss. My dreams become alive; more vivid than all the colors of the rainbow. My heart rate slows, and, my breathing calms... my pulse softens, and, I find rest in the darkness. It is just like the death that I once craved. I become the living dead. I need nothing. I am everything.

I have conquered death. I have defeated illness and weakness and pain. In the face of death, I become the great challenger, daring to fight with me. Always, I defeat the death. My life becomes validated in the victory of my conquest. In defeating death, I become life. I am the fearless leader. I will show you the way. Follow this way. Believe.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Journey Through Time

 Images of staircases leading toward heaven, that one by one, in elevation, we rise to the top.  Holiding firm to the vision that has been implanted as our final destination, we walk forward and upward and onward.  The platform awaits us who now walk hand in hand toward the lights the blind us.  We are comforted by the music, constantly reassured that we are on the right path, althought left behing is everything that we once knew.  Faithfully, we stride toward the light so that we arrive on time to our final destination at centre stage, where people await their hosts.

Serenaded by the music as fulid as water from which we have risen of our incubated clumber, our body's twitch freely although controlled in response to the tune of the rhythmic suggestions.  Gestures converse and strike up a stimulated dialogue of bionic clarity in the way of what seems a telecommunicated verse in synchronicity with an electronic movement conducted by the visionary portrait as brush strokes through time and space.  The silhouette of an onward army of celestial saints, not marching, but dancing and emerging out of the darkness and into the lights, is the sight that stands before those who are waiting.  Spotting as they turn from black to whire, the visions become clear, as they are the children of the night.  They are stars that are born on this even, of this dawn, coming, creeping, gently grazing and gliding upon the ground as thought it were only the first time.  And since then, every daywill be like the first time.

The street of crossroads make the paths of once enemies merge into the common likeness of falling in love with the dancing of the music, and the vision, that all may witness as the story unfolds as the legacy that we left behind; more so of this dynamic dimensional drama and dazing is this dance of this song for this world that only eyes can know to tell.  Like the stories of heaven coming a second time, this is the time to make peace, and not war... to create heaven and not hell, in the haven of Love.  One step at a time, one day as we come, for these moments as we prepare to pursue out greatest quest yet, toward the test of time, as we will be ready to go, to come forth as it may.

A travel through time in space where we depict the journey that has brought us to this time and place.  As all slowly unfolds, the curtains unveil the platform upon which all arts stand proud and tall to pay respect to the days of past, and to salutue to the future, making memories that last.  They are depictions of a portrait painting rain-bowed brush stroked of fluid and form.  Our image is our message that together we band as one body of envisioned communion, hand in hand.  Tests of times have made out hearts strong.  of this moment and beyong, hear as we sing to you this song.  We birds of our feathers taking steps through the stages.  We've learned to spread our wings to soar the heavens abounded by ages.  Hear, as we show and tell, the revelations that are being revealed.  As a blast from the past, and how it all began, from the beginning to the last...

Take a look at how far we've come.  Remember this journey we've trod.  Leaps and bounds above the rest, flying colors past our tests.  Peers and pairing counting numbers now honoring the legend of the wondrous wonders.  The foundation of the lost and found as rediscovered the forgotten dream because we believed tha tmusic was the key.  So we danced out plays to symphonies and became the children of harmon-ease.  In the realm of our dreams we were free to believe that the music was the muse that our hearts should be moved.  To grow as we have and to learn as we've grown, by the establishment of this place and be trained in form and grace was a gift of stylish bliss, that has taught us how to know, how to fly, how to go, on the rise, to the top.  And here, we share this dream with you of watchful eyes.  Come with us and celebrate the mystery and marvel and brilliant surprise.